TfL SERU requirements

As part of every new PCO Application & those renewing their licences, you’ll have to pass the SERU exam.You only get 2 chances to Pass the SERU Test.

The SERU evaluation is conducted electronically and administered by TfL personnel at their offices.
It includes answering multiple-choice queries and filling in sentences with the correct words.
Additional details about what to anticipate on the assessment day will be shared with you after your booking is confirmed.
Each candidate will have the opportunity to get ready for the assessment, and accommodations will be provided as needed.
After TfL confirms a booking, applicants are strongly encouraged to make all necessary arrangements to be present

We offer personal training on the various chapters you’ll be tested on. London PHV drivers must possess a solid grasp of safety, equality, and regulatory obligations pertinent to their role. This ensures public safety and elevates the standard of customer service.

The safety, equality and regulatory understanding (SERU) requirement came into force on 1 October 2021. It applies to both new applicants and those applying to renew their PHV driver licence.

This SERU requirement includes:

a)  Drivers’ obligations under the PHV (London) Act 1998 including the associated regulations and relevant obligations including under the Equality Act 2010;
b)  Policies and guidance issued by Transport for London (TfL) or other persons which are relevant to London PHV drivers;
c)  The particular needs of passengers that arise because a passenger has (or may have) a protected characteristic under the Equality Act 2010;
d)  Protecting children and adults at risk from harm and abuse;
e)  Passenger and driver safety;
f)  Road and vehicle safety.

How can LPLC help me with the TfL SERU Exam?

In addition to offering a variety of SERU Mock Tests on our sister website, London Map Test, we conduct small group Training Sessions where we delve into the handbook’s content in depth. Each chapter is meticulously dissected to present easily digestible topics. These SERU Training Sessions also encompass the completion of Mock Tests. Furthermore, as a part of our group training classes, you will receive a valuable resource: two months’ worth of practice mock tests, allowing you ample opportunity to hone your expertise.

For those who prefer self-paced learning and wish to pursue independent study, we provide an online course designed to systematically evaluate your knowledge across all chapters of the SERU handbook.

What’s the SERU Exam Pass Mark?

You must achieve 60% or more. You only have 2 chances to Pass.

Can I retake the TfL SERU Exam or re-schedule?

Certainly, in the event of a failed attempt, you can opt for a retest. However, it’s important to be mindful that repeated failures may lead to TfL potentially suspending your licensing for a specified duration. If you decide to reschedule, kindly submit your request in writing, seeking additional time for preparation. It’s crucial to note that all new applicants are required to successfully pass this examination before obtaining their license. Therefore, it’s advisable not to postpone your efforts indefinitely. We are here to support you throughout this process.


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